The press structure is sturdy, designed to withdraw rated capacity, fabricated from quality structure steel.
The Hydraulic Cycliender units are designed to the rated capicaty, precisely machined & honed to ensure leakfree & smooth operation.
Rams are made of quality Alloy steel, precisely machined, ground & hard-chrome platted to increase the Seallife, ensures leakfree operation, prevents rusting of Rams & smooth operation
Auto Tramper Unit is provided to pre-press the cotton fed into the chamber. This eliminates the workers to get into the chamber to stamp the lint by foot to make space for refilling of lint.
Doorless Cylinder Unit is provided to selected models of our Presses. This eliminates additional labour required for opening & closing of doors during pressing there by reduce labourfatique.
Efficient Hydraulic Power-Pack, provided with high & low pressure pumping units, auto change – overfrom low pressure, high out-put to high pressure,low out-put of pumps, there by utilizing the power efficiently & reducing the cycle time.
Power consumption is less, as the system is provided with pressure holding facility. The system automatically cuts OFF the Electric Motor once the set pressure is attained & the same in maintained untill strapping of bale.
The Hydraulic system is also provided with de-compression facility to unload the built up pressure smoothly & to retract the Rams to the initial postion, by gravity.
Bale height & Weight Control system is provided to maintain the Height & Weight of bale.
The Hydraulic oil required is only 800 to 1600Ltrs., depending on various models, non consumable as the same is re-circlated. Suction Strainers are provided to ensure entry of clean oil into the systems. Oil level & temperature indicator is provided on the power-pack.
The system is provided with safety relif values to safe guard over loading of the hydraulic systems & Electric Motor. All the Component of the Hydraulic system are either oil immersed or in contact with oil & hence are very smooth in operation & require no lubrication at all.
The Electrical Control Panel is provided with Power & Motor ON/OFF indectors, fuses, over-load rely, under voltage indicator etc. Emergency stop Swith is provided on the Control Panel as well as on both sides of the presss, within the reach of the operator
Care has been taken in all respects to make our product efficient, maintenance free & economical
Output is subject to efficiency of the operator
We also convert old water Hydraulic Press to latest oil Hydraulic systems
Hydraulic Pack unit coupled with desiel Engine available
We also manufacture Hydrolic Press as per Customer requirement
Subject to change due to constant development, without notice
Winner of Bharatiya Udyog Award – 2000